Saturday, April 26, 2014

Comfy Cozy Classy

Just a few adjectives to describe Verna's on a small corner along Mass Ave:

It's a small bakery that makes a variety of cookies, pies, and other baked goods--and looking back on it, I regret not trying some champagne cookies or a spring-themed confection--but I'm after the donuts. I've read some not-so favorable comments about the service here, but the woman at the counter was really nice! She even said "excuse me" when she coughed; maybe folks are talking about some other grouchy person that shows up at other times. 

Apologies for the lack of interior pictures ^_^; but it's a nice place for a quick bite. The donut rack is situated behind the counter, and there's a sizable display of other goodies when you walk in the store, including a day old rack of grab-bag stuff for $2. There aren't too many seats, but the seating area is like a nice pocket with a round table and another small table. A few old-timers were talking about golf--I've never heard seniors cuss so much about golf of all things, it was kind of hilarious--and people know each other's names (cliche alert :p); there's definitely a neighborhood feel to the place. 

So excellent employee and interesting patrons aside, I freaking love these donuts. Union Square may have the Cambridge area when it comes to gourmet variety, but Verna's is the local tops when it comes to quality and value. Each regular donut is about $1 each, and there's a good mix of treats to choose from. 

They offer a "chocolate frosted" and a "chocolate covered" (or something like that); both look the same from across the counter, but I'm assuming the difference is that the latter is just a regular chocolate raised donut. Luckily I got the "chocolate frosted", which means that they cover the donut with regular glaze first and then apply a top coating of chocolate, JUST LIKE KRISPY KREME :] ! It made my day; it's like a 2 for 1 deal, you get the best of the classic glaze and chocolate worlds on one raised donut.

I then went for the honey dipped chocolate, my cake donut selection for this trip. Tender, moist, generously coated with glaze, it was like eating a fried brownie but way better. The only thing that would have made it better is if I got it immediately after they flipped it out of the fry and glaze bath. Great cake donut, especially for a buck.

Tailing the end was the coconut, a fantastic cake donut covered in a sugary glaze with flakes of dessicated coconut all over the place. Again, a tasty, moist, cakey interior; the coconut-glaze coating was absolutely amazing, offering a sweet crunch to offset the pillow-y core of the donut. Definitely a donut I would like to revisit in the future.

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